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  • Andrew

Project Updates

Hey Gang,

Apologies for the delay since our last update, we're working on doing this on a more regular basis. Definitely check out our Facebook pages for Aldous Spark, Rum Row, and Lazlo for more regular project specific news!

Anyway, let's do a quick roundup!

The Bawdy Tales of Lazlo Cale is officially finished and in backer hands. We wrapped up the packaging, and mailed them all out right before the holidays. A big thank you for all the support and kind words, it means a lot. We’re excited to be bringing it to the next set of conventions in 2019.

Next up is Aldous Spark Volume 2. We’re now a mere 6 pages away from being fully penciled and inked! It still feels strange just typing that. Then it's onto the colors, and letters. During that time we’ll be finalizing back matter materials and covers. We’ll also be experimenting with some new Kickstarter rewards since the secret coded postcards were so popular. The plan is to have it done and launched for Spring 2019! Here’s a peak at some of Mauricio’s latest work:

In addition, Rum Row issue #3 is moving right along. Michele has been an amazing collaborator and co-creator on Rum Row, and we couldn't have gotten this far without him. But due to his heavy load at Marvel, we both agreed for the sake of the book, that we are continuing forward with a new artist. The uber talented Gavin Mitchell will be taking over for issues three and four, finalizing the first arc. As you can see by these opening pages for #3, you won’t be disappointed:

Last but not least, here’s a bit of concept artwork for an upcoming project I will be writing for Evoluzione Publishing. I’m really excited about this, but we’ll hold off until more info is available.

That’s all for now, but Pete and myself will do another post outlining our goals and plans for the upcoming year ahead. 2019 is going be full year for sure!



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